Septimius Severus and His Depiction on Coins

Septimius Severus was depicted on Roman coins in various forms, reflecting the different aspects of his reign. Some of the most common types of coins featuring Severus are the denarius, sestertius, and aureus, which were made of silver and gold and widely circulated across the empire. 1. Portraits on Coins The portrait of Septimius Severus often

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The Establishment of the Roman Empire

Augustus’s reign marked the beginning of the Pax Romana, a period of relative peace and stability that lasted for over two centuries. Augustus implemented a series of reforms aimed at consolidating his power, stabilizing the economy, and securing Rome’s borders. He reformed the military, established a permanent standing army, and created a netw

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The Formation of the Second Triumvirate

One of the key steps in Octavian’s rise to power was his alliance with two other prominent figures of the time: Mark Antony, a general and loyal supporter of Julius Caesar, and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, another key figure in the late Roman Republic. Together, they formed the Second Triumvirate in 43 BCE, a powerful political and military coalition

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